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VA-Discoteque Style vol 48 (2007)
14.12.2008, 11.08.26
сполнитель: VA
Диск: Discoteque Style vol 48
Стиль: Commercial Trance
Год: 2007
Кол-во композиций:20
Размер: 180 Mb
Аудиокодек: MP3
Битрейт:128-320 kbps

01. Manian vs Aila - Turn The Tide (cascada mix) (4:40)
02. Blackout Crew - Bbbbounce (headhunters remix) (5:49)
03. Delusion vs Stu Hughes - Killer 2007 (stevie b mix) (6:17)
04. Bangbros - Du Hast Das Schönste Arschgesicht (langer arsch im club mix) (6:39)
05. Soundlovers - Surrender (taki vs spyer remix) (5:29)
06. A - LeeX - House 4 You (the madis extended mix) (5:55)
07. Manian vs Aila - Turn The Tide (basslovers united mix) (5:22)
08. Desperado - Rajtad Mülik (prince deejays remix) (6:00)
09. DJ Szatmari vs Jucus - Hazudj Meg (dancekillaz remix) (5:55)
10. Blackout Crew - Bbbbounce (kb project remix) (6:05)
11. Eros vs Spigiboy - Reg Varok Valakire (prince deejays remix) (5:18)
12. DJ Lotters vs Kefir - Tancolj Ma Ejjel (dancelovers mix) (5:32)
13. Manian vs Aila - Turn The Tide (headhunters mix) (6:18)
14. Scooter - And No Matches (orginal mix) (4:50)
15. ClubMagnet - Fucking Fresh Beats (3:46)
16. Marc Burner - Let Me Love You (original club remix) (5:10)
17. DJ Harmath vs Reni - Darabokra Torted A Szivem (dj slash and final djs remix) (4:57)
18. Delusion vs Stu Hughes - Killer 2007 (lee s mix) (4:29)
19. Blackout Crew - Bbbbounce (alex k remix) (6:22)
20. Manian vs Aila - Turn The Tide (extended mix) (5:10) 




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